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2011.09 - 2015.07 同济大学   学士       导师:张冬梅 教授

2015.09 - 2020.06 同济大学  工学博士  导师:张冬梅 教授

2017.11 - 2019.11 希腊塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学 联合培养博士 合作导师:Kyriazis Pitilakis 教授


2020.7 - 2023.1 同济大学土木工程学院博士后 合作导师:张冬梅教授

2023.2 - 至今   同济大学土木工程学院 助理教授




张冬梅,黄忠凯.软土盾构隧道抗震韧性分析.同济大学出版社. ISBN:978-7-5765-0112-4.


  1. Huang, Z. K., Zhang, D. M, Pitilakis, K., Tsinidis, G., Huang, H.W., Zhang, D. M, & Argyroudis, S. (2022). Resilience assessment of tunnels: Framework and application for tunnels in alluvial deposits exposed to seismic hazard. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng..162, 107456. (Most Downloaded Article)

  2. Huang, Z.K., Argyroudis, S., Zhang, D., Pitilakis, K., Huang, H., & Zhang, D. (2022). Time-Dependent Fragility Functions for Circular Tunnels in Soft Soils. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8(3), 04022030. (Most Read Article)

  3. Huang, Z. K., Pitilakis, K., Argyroudis, S., Tsinidis, G., & Zhang, D. M. (2021). Selection of optimal intensity measures for fragility assessment of circular tunnels in soft soil deposits. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 145, 106724. (Most Cited Article)

  4. Huang, H., Zhang, D., & Huang, Z. (2022). Resilience of city underground infrastructure under multi-hazards impact: From structural level to network level. Resilient Cities and Structures, 1(2), 76-86. (综述,Most Downloaded Article)

  5. 黄忠凯,张冬梅. 地下结构地震易损性研究进展. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 49(1):49-59。(综述)

  6. Huang, Z. K., & Zhang, D. M. (2021). Scalar-and vector-valued vulnerability analysis of shallow circular tunnel in soft soil. Transportation Geotechnics, 27, 100505.

  7. Huang, Z. K., Pitilakis, K., Tsinidis, G., Argyroudis, S., & Zhang, D. M.(2020). Seismic vulnerability of circular tunnels in soft soil deposits: The case of Shanghai metropolitan system. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 98, 103341.

  8. Huang, Z., Argyroudis, S. A., Pitilakis, K., Zhang, D., & Tsinidis, G. (2022). Fragility assessment of tunnels in soft soils using artificial neural networks. Underground Space, 7(2), 242-253.

  9. Huang, Z. K., Zhang, D. M., & Xie, X. C. (2022). A practical ANN model for predicting the excavation-induced tunnel horizontal displacement in soft soils. Underground Space, 7(2), 278-293.

  10. Huang, Z., Pitilakis, K., Zhang, D., Tsinidis, G., & Argyroudis, S. (2022). On the effects of salient parameters for an efficient probabilistic seismic loss assessment of tunnels in alluvial soils. Resilient Cities and Structures, 1(3), 24-39.

  11. Zhang, D. M., Liu, J., Huang, Z. K., Yang, G. H., Jiang, Y., & Jia, K. (2022). Waterproof performance of tunnel segmental joints under different deformation conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 123, 104437.

  12. Zhang, D. M., Xie, X. C., Huang, Z. K., Peng, M. Z., & Zhu, H. X. (2022). Observed response of maglev structure undercrossed by three shield tunnels in soft soil. Underground Space. 7(4), 636-661.

  13. Zhang, D., Shen, Y., Huang, Z., & Xie, X. (2022). Auto machine learning-based modelling and prediction of excavation-induced tunnel displacement. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

  14. Zhang, D.M., Huang, Z.K., Zong, X., Li, Z.L., Zhang, D.M., Analytical Solution for the response of an existing tunnel to a new tunnel excavation underneath [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 108: 197-211.

  15. Zhang, D.M. , Huang, Z.K., Wang, R.L., Yan, J.Y., Zhang, J., Grouting-based treatment of tunnel settlement: Practice in Shanghai [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,80: 181-196.

  16. Zhang, D.M. , Huang, Z.K., Yin, Z.Y., Ran, L.Z., Huang, H.W., Predicting the grouting effect on leakage-induced tunnels and ground response in saturated soils [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 65: 76-90.

  17. Zhang, D. M., Xie, X. C., Zhou, M. L. , Huang, Z. K., Zhang, D. M. An Incident of Water and Soil Gushing in a Metro Tunnel Due to High Water Pressure in Sandy Silt [J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 121:105196.

  18. Zhang, D. M., Han. L., & Huang, Z. K. (2022). A numerical approach for fluid-particle-structure interactions problem with CFD-DEM-CSD coupling method. Computers and Geotechnics, 152, 105007.

  19. 黄忠凯,张冬梅. 软土地区地表结构对盾构隧道地震响应影响的风险分析. 自然灾害学报, 2018.27(4):67-74.

  20. 黄忠凯,张冬梅. 软土地层浅埋盾构隧道地震易损性分析. 现代隧道技术, 2020.57(5):51-60.

  21. 张建辉,黄忠凯,刘祥勇,朱先发,张冬梅. 基于矢量地震动强度参数的隧道结构易损性分析. 土木与环境工程学报(中英文), 2022, 44(05),57-66.

  22. 黄忠凯,张冬梅,周文鼎,程屹歆,仝跃。基于贝叶斯网络的盾构隧道横截面变形预测方法,现代隧道技术,2022,59(5),10-17.


  1. 一种盾构隧道地震可恢复性分析方法

  2. 考虑地震易损性模型不确定性的盾构隧道风险评估方法

  3. 一种基于增量动力分析法的隧道地震易损性分析方法

  4. 一种基于地质聚合物的新型注浆材料及其制备方法

  5. 一种民防工程结构地震脆弱性评估方法


  1. 盾构施工对邻近建筑物结构影响评价软件V1.0

  2. 钢纤维混凝土细观几何模型生成软件

  3. SFRC细观相CDPM参数计算软件V1.0


  1. 2020年同济大学优秀博士论文

  2. 2021年世界交通运输工程技术论坛(WTC2021)优秀论文

  3. 2020年中国隧道与地下工程大会(CTUC)优秀论文

  4. 2016年中国中国隧道与地下工程大会(CTUC)优秀论文

  5. 2021年第九届全国岩土工程青年学者论坛,特邀报告

  6. 2020年度上海市优秀毕业生,2018年同济大学优秀学生

  7. 2017年博士生国家奖学金

  8. 2017年上海市科技进步一等奖,复杂环境条件下盾构隧道结构安全评价与控制


  1. Reliability Engineering & System Safety》《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》《Underground SpaceASCENatural Hazards Review》等逾十本国际期刊审稿人

  2. Mathematics (IF=2.592,JCR-Q1) 期刊客座编辑,专刊“Resilient Infrastructure: Modeling, Assessment and Smart Sensing”20231231日截稿

  3. 中国岩石力学与工程学会,会员

  4. 中国土木学会工程风险与保险分会青年论坛,青年委员会

  5. 中国(城市)地下空间学会,会员

  6. 中国公路学会,会员

  7. 国际韧性基础设施研究中心(ICRI),副秘书长

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