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出生年月:1994年 2






2012.09-2016.07 同济大学             学士        导师:张冬梅 教授

2016.09-2022.07 同济大学             工学博士  导师:张冬梅 教授

2021.01-2021.12 意大利帕多瓦大学 联培博士 合作导师:Francesca Ceccato教授


2023.07-至今 同济大学土木工程学院博士后 合作导师:张冬梅 教授




  1. Xie, X. C., Ceccato, F., Zhou, M. L., and Zhang, D. M. Hydro-mechanical behaviour of soils during water-soil gushing in shield tunnels using MPM. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 145: 104688.

  2. Zhang, D. M., Xie, X. C., Li, Z. L., and Zhang, J. Simplified analysis method for predicting the influence of deep excavation on existing tunnels. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 121(2): 103477.

  3. Zhang, D. M., Xie, X. C., Huang, Z. K., Peng, M. Z., and Zhu, H. X. Observed response of maglev structure undercrossed by three shield tunnels in soft soil. Underground Space, 2022. 7(4): 636-661.

  4. Zhang, D. M., Xie, X. C., Zhou, M. L., Huang, Z. K., and Zhang, D. M. An Incident of Water and Soil Gushing in a Metro Tunnel Due to High Water Pressure in Sandy Silt. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 121: 105196.

  5. Xie, X. C., Zhang, D. M., Zhou, M. L., and Feng, S. J. Simulating the water-soil leakage induced deformation around the shield tunnel with material point method. Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (Ed.2), IS-Cambridge 2022.

  6. Xie, X. C., Ceccato, F., Zhang, D.M., Zhou, M.L., Zhai, W.Z., Huang, Z.K., and Zhang, X.L.  MPM-FEM based numerical analysis on responses of stratum and twin tunnels to water-soil gushing. Transportation Geotechnics, 2025, 50, 101471. 

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